Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) causes a slight but noticeable and measurable decline in cognitive abilities which includes memory and thinking skills. Individuals with MCI are at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's or another dementia. MCI does not impact an individual’s independence. However, a person may experience forgetfulness of appointments, events,
conversations and details of various activities.
Thinking skills may be affected in individuals with
MCI or age related memory loss.  

Their ability to make sound decisions, judge the time
or sequence of steps needed to complete a complex
task, or visual perception skills maybe slower than it
was in the pass. In the individuals that participate in
the Memory Training Program at our facility we find
the following skills to primary areas of concern:

  • Difficulty focusing attention.
  • Word finding difficulties.
  • Written comprehension and recall of information.
  • Difficulty judging the time or steps need to complete computer task and written task.
  • Recall of information presented to them verbally in a work, school or social environment.
Help for Age-Related Memory Loss and Mild Cognitive Impairment
View our Memory Training Session.
There is no medication for MCI or age related memory loss.  However early intervention is key.  With individually tailored performance enhancement and memory training, overall memory skills can be improved.

Mental activity, brain plasticity, and cognitive reserve are the foundation tools of our program. Neural plasticity serves as a key medium for the effects of practicing a physical activity – i.e. getting better at a physical task over time. During the training program you will be introduced to novel cognitive stimuli which encourage the brain to establish new neural networks through synaptogenesis and increase improvements on daily communication and memory tasks.
What happens when Mild Cognitive Impairment progresses to Alzheimer's?  In this video clip Dr. Thomas discusses its impact on eating.
Copyright 2015 Educational Consultants Group | Last updated: March 29, 2015
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Call us at (813) 373-0016 or (800) 249-1879
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Interested in Dr. Thomas' full presentations on Addressing Memory Decline and Addressing Swallowing/Mealtime Issues? You can purchase on-line access here.
Identifying and Addressing Memory Issues - on-line video
Identifying and Addressing Swallowing Problems - on-line video