Educational Consultants Group hosts the following meeting groups at our Brandon, FL location. We believe you may find one or more interesting and we look forward to seeing you are our next session!
What is our MindSpring group?
Our MindSpring Groups meet once or twice a month.
Individuals who come to the sessions are people:
Who love fun and stimulating activities that exercise their brain.
Who want more than bingo or crossword puzzles.
Who want to maintain their memory and brain function.
Who understand that exercising may keep them independent longer.
Please contact us to register or request information
Noggin Bumpers
What is our Noggin Bumpers group?
A meeting group for individuals who have suffered a brain injury in a car, construction or industrial accident, or have received a head bump during a sports activity, assault injury or in a fall accident. Our participants experience some lingering symptoms from the injury and are concentrating on getting better. Our members are offered techniques to increase attention, improve memory, and understand visual-spatial limitations. Our lessons focus on understanding how cognitive communication problems in executive function and other skills can impact daily living activities at work or play and how to overcome or work around them.
Our Noggin Bumpers Groups meet once or twice a month.
Individuals who come to the sessions are people:
Who know that a head injury is more than just a bump on the head.
Who understand the cognitive and social changes caused by a head injury.
Who want stimulating activities that exercise their brain.
Who want to improve their memory, thinking skills and brain function.
Who understand that cognitive communication exercise may improve their
language, problem solving and communication skills.
Please contact us to register or request information
Bon Appetit
What is our Bon Appetit Tasting Group?
Have you ever heard of a book club? Well, a Bon Appetit tasting group is very similar except, of course, the focus is on good tasting drinks and food, not books. Like a book club, the Bon Appetit tasting group is a social gathering. The group meets to taste, judge, and discuss food and drink. The Bon Appetit tasting group is educational and will discuss issues regarding the mechanical and functional aspects of eating such as chewing and swallowing. It is our way of making eating fun again while making new friends with similar issues and enjoying old friends while having loads of fun.
Our Bon Appetit Groups meet once or twice a month.
Individuals who come to the sessions are people:
Who have or have had problems with swallowing or eating (dysphagia).
Who like to meet and offer emotional and social support about mealtime
eating problems.
Who want to participate in oral motor exercises to improve muscle
movement or functioning.
Who want to learn eating tips, tricks and strategies to improve mealtime
Who want to try different food consistencies to understand swallowing and
eating more effectively.
Please contact us to register or request information
- We can host meeting groups at locations other than our office. Please contact us for details...
Copyright 2010 Educational Consultants Group | Last updated: July 9, 2011